Thursday, July 17, 2014

Numero Uno

So I think it has recently come to my attention that being very short and small sized I seem to see the world differently, people see me differently, they look at me differently at times and I seem to run into different challenges in comparison to others.

So in the past I have been offered kids packages on aeroplanes - might I say this was when I was 18, a stewardess offered me a kids colouring package, again another note the colouring was for 10 years old and under. Hmm, really do I look 10? Honestly, come on people!

That's just one scenario! There's been many more trust me!

ie - Today decided to watch 22 Jump Street at the cinemas this afternoon, it was a 12:50pm movie so not too many people around. So bought our tickets all good and some popcorn (of course) and went up to where they check your tickets for the movie.

We handed our tickets over and was just chatting to my friend and then the lady stopped and looked at us oddly and said 'Can I please see some ID?' You know those moments you stop and are just totally stumped by what people say, not because they said something rude or harsh but more so because you're thinking 'Did that seriously come out of your mouth?' kinda way! - Well this was one of those moments.

I looked at my friend and frowned and realised that the lady actually... wanted... to...SEE... our...ID's. With make up on, dressed for work PLUS my RMIT jumper I along with my friend apparently looked like we were under 15...COME ON!!! School holidays are over and the kiddies are back at school, we don't look like the type to wag either! I was tempted to say 'oh can I get a seat booster too...'

Before I pulled out my ID the lady saw I had a P platers licence and she was like 'oh...ok...' 'YEAH THATS RIGHT MOVIE WOMAN! I DRIVE!.. I MAY NOT BE ABLE TO SEE OVER THE DASH BOARD OF ALL CARS...BUT I DRIVEEEE!! HA!'...therefore wayyyy over 15!

Anyway walked away from that experience and it took me a good 5 minutes to get over that stumping..

Oh and then later in the day I had work and I work at a kids clothing store... yes I do fit the clothes there har har har haven't heard that one - I know what you're thinking!

Anyway was refilling some girls tshirts and to do that I have to grab a bunch of them from the back storage room and bring them out and I normally do like 3 or 4 types of shirts at a time. So I grabbed the 3 types I wanted refilled them and then stacked them to put them back on the shelf in the back room.

See this shelf was placed specifically to tease me (in my opinion.) It was like a stretch for me but very reachable.. (if that's a word) Let's say I have to like go full stretch to put a while pile of clothes on that shelf but could easily put one or 2 shirts on there.

So with my stack of tshirts of 3 kinds to put away I popped into the back room and began putting the pile all at once back into its spot on the shelf...... (pause)

You know those moments you can predict and see happening before they happen like when disaster is about to strike and you can just see what is exactly is going to happen before they occur - well this was one of those times (unpause)

So I began to put the shirts on the shelf in one go and suddenly I felt the weight of all the shirts at once, holding the top and bottom of the pile I felt it all slipping between my hands, I had this image of all the nicely folded shirts which I had been working on for the last 20 minutes all falling on top of me.

I had to think quick, really quick so what did I do... I planted my face in the pile of shirts and use the muscles from the back of my neck to my nose to push all the shirts onto the shelf so then I could get it in place with my hands/arms.

Hey! I know I looked like the biggest idiot pushing t shirts with my face but it worked, criss avoided! BOOM! - Didn't even have to call for help! If you know me I hate asking for help haha!

So why 5 fort and not 5 foot:
1. It's not actually 5 feet, feet could be any size, duh! gosh!
2. Forts are strong - I'm a lot stronger than you think, capable too

Plus my height or lack there of makes for good story time! Read, Laugh and Enjoy peeps! :) More sharing to come!

Story of my life! - My 5 foot life!


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